Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Fields of Fire (Frontlines #5) by Marko Kloos

The series continues pretty much from where the last book ended. The main characters can take a little breather before the next battle, but that one is going to be huge. Humans are going for the offensive for the first time. They are going to take Mars back from the aliens. The first parts of the battle go almost as planned and the alien seedships guarding Mars are destroyed. When the ground troops land, things start to go worse. Apparently, the aliens have finally learned some tactics and don’t just blindly run to the gunfire anymore.

The book is as entertaining as the earlier parts. The main characters feel real and someone one can root for. They are not Übermensch who can always do everything without second-guessing themselves.

The book has still some technical problems. The author seems to imagine that high-speed railguns have an effective range in space. No, they don’t. There might be some targeting issues, but there is no limit to their range. Their speed (and their explosive effect) doesn’t get any slower, ever; not even after light years. Those were small things though; the book was entertaining and easy to read on a mobile phone during lunch hours and commutes.

293 pp.

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