Tuesday, December 27, 2022

Squishy's Teams: A Diving Universe Novel by Kristine Kathryn Rusch

The next part in the Diving Universe series. The entire book is a flashback of events from several books earlier when one member of the Boss’s team went AWOL, drafted a team, and started a private operation to destroy all “cloaking tech” research of the Enterran Empire. This is the story of how the different teams managed their tasks. It is not a story I was too interested to read or know, but it managed to interest me enough to read this shortish book. The story is told from different viewpoints in alternating chapters and is left partly open. One thing which irritated me: why does the Empire need entire giant facilities just for data storage and backup? Are their computer systems so far behind even the current ones found on Earth? Wouldn’t all possible research data fit into a few large pocket drives? Or at least to a server kept on their most protected military headquarters, and not at research facilities with apparently fairly light security measures?

186 pp. 

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