Thursday, August 3, 2023

Phule's Company by Robert Lynn Asprin (Phule's Company #1)

An extremely rich man was working for the army. He screwed up his mission, and the top brass decided to send him to a faraway place as commander of a military base manned mostly by misfits who have not been able to fit into ordinary garrisons. The man decides to boost their morale and as his first action, overhauls the garrisons and moves all men to the most lavish hotel in the town - using his own money. He does everything he can to boost the confidence of his men (and women, and aliens) and tries to build an elite unit - and seems to succeed. 

An entertaining story that is told through written reports from the secretary of the main character. The main character seems to be very much a male “Mary Sue,” a perfect character who is rich beyond any limits and can’t fail at anything, and can turn any event to his advantage. An entertaining, but simplistic book.

232 pp.

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