Saturday, February 22, 2025

T. Kingfisher: What Feasts at Night (Sworn Soldier #2)

A second part for the earlier novella (What Moves the Dead) by the same author. The main characters return. Ex-military Alex (who belongs to a ”military gender”) travels to her family’s hunting lodge at a remote location. It has been almost unused for years. There has been a caretaker, but it turns out that he has died from a mysterious respiratory ailment no one in the village wants to talk about. The lodge seems unnaturally quiet. Alex and her friends manage to get a cook whose son will work as a handyman and helper. Alex has a dream about a woman who sits on her chest and steals her breath, surely it was just a strange dream? Soon the handyman starts to seem very distracted and tired – it is like he doesn't get any sleep at all. Is there something supernatural going on? It turns out that the answer is yes.

The story takes its time to get going but ends up as a nice supernatural (as a small spoiler, there was no quasi-natural explanation for the events this time) thriller. There were some pretty tense moments in the story. The characters were well-built and interesting, and the writing was fluent and nice to read. I liked this part more than the first story in the series. 

151 pp. 

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