Pretty nice issue.
Reality Check • novella by Michael A. Burstein
A physicist, orthodox Jew, is asked for his surprise to work on particle collider. His work happens to have more do with collider than he thought. It turns out that there is a contact to an alternate universe, where used to be his counterpart - who was not religious. Fairly well written story, but after all not much happens.
I Married a Robot •novelette by Ron Goulart
Probably the first Maggie and Ben story. They investigate why Ben is apparently dead and in a robot body. Beginning is good, nice light dialogue, but ending feels a bit rushed. Turning husband into a robot apparently is able to cure the relationship between a divorced couple. Feather light story as a whole.
Seen One Human • shortstory by Brian Plante
Arrogant aliens have for some reason interest for human lifestyle. A female restaurateur and male chauffer try to satisfy that curiosity and get enough money to travel back to earth. (why they are on that planet in first place is not told.) Pretty light, ok story. ***1/2
The Destiny Manifest • shortstory by J. W. Donnelly
Nature can have an effect to human life, as humans have effects to nature. Told in separate "what if” scenarios. Doesn't really work, feels a bit confusing. ***-
Psyscraper • novelette by Pete D. Manison
Architect who had a mental break fall used his personality for a basis of AI building. Not so surprisingly the building also starts to act crazily. Not very logical story - surely there would be careful screening, if for some strange reason human mind copies would be used as a basis for such things. Didn't really like the writing either. **
Food for Thought • novelette by Grey Rollins
Story about carrion eating alien shaped like a banana, with a long tongue, solving crimes. Another very light, detective style story, better than earlier robot story, which is very similar in style. The "crime" in question is more interesting and better described. ***½
Take a Load Off • novelette by F. Alexander Brejcha
Rich female investor banker suffering from a heart condition moves to Moon. She befriends a mine owner, who has mysteriously lost several mining robots. They decide to investigate while there are rumors of UFO sightings…
Nice but not surprising story, Very much Analog-style. Probably the best story in this magazine. ***½
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